sx blog
Our digital space for brief commentary and reflection on cultural, political, and intellectual events. We feature supplementary materials that enhance the content of our multiple platforms.
Régine Michelle Jean-Charles' newest book is out: Looking for Other Words: Black Feminism and Haitian Fiction (2022)
Régine Michelle Jean-Charles' newest book is out: Looking for Other Words: Black Feminism and Haitian Fiction (2022)
Small Axe editorial committee member Régine Michelle Jean-Charles has a new book out this month! We asked her to tell us a bit about this project. Read what she has to say about her latest book:
My third book, Looking for Other Words: Black Feminism and Haitian Fiction (2022) stems from my longstanding commitment to two related fields—Black feminist studies and Haitian literary studies—and was published this month by University of Virginia Press. This book explores the “ethical imagination” of three contemporary Haitian authors—Yanick Lahens, Kettly Mars, and Évelyne Trouillot—to argue that ethics and aesthetics operate in relation to one another in each of the novels under consideration and that the turn to ethics is essential in reading 21st-century Haitian literature. My intervention situates Lahens, Trouillot, and Mars within a longer tradition of Black feminist writing that is both specific to Haiti and globally relevant. As such, I engage and incorporate the work of thinkers like Paulette Poujol-Oriol, Carolle Charles, Gina Athéna Ulysse, Edwidge Danticat, and Sabine Lamour all of whom have made unique contributions to Haitian feminist studies. Throughout the book, I also consider how popular culture, visual culture, and contemporary feminist organizing in Haiti offer unique points of entry into understanding feminism in the Haitian context. To this end, the activism of Pascale Solages, the art of Tessa Mars, and the photography of Régine Romain all play a role in my inquiry and determination to gather and create a rasanblaj, to use to words of Ulysse, of diverse Haitian feminist creatives.
The Trumpet of Conscience Today (Orbis Press, 2021)
Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary (Ohio State University Press, 2014)
Caribbean Borderlands: Postnationalism Prefigured @20
Caribbean Borderlands: Postnationalism Prefigured @20
As a part of the Conversations in Caribbean Studies series, this event is organized to celebrate the book Caribbean Borderlands: Postnationalism Prefigured by sx editorial committee member Charles Carnegie, which was published 20 years ago.
Speakers will include Charles Carnegie, Timothy Chin, Rachel Goffe, Ronald Cummings, Deborah Thomas, David Scott, Matthew Chin, as well as Njelle Hamilton. This event is sponsored by the Center for Global Inquiry as well as the departments of Women and Gender studies, Anthropology, Africana Studies, and English at the University of Virginia.
When: October 7, 2022
Where: Bryan Hall 229, University of Virginia
For those interested in attending virtually via zoom webinar, here is the link:
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~Se llamaba doña Margot
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~Se llamaba doña Margot
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), a small-scale independent publisher, established in 2009 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, is proud to announce the release of its most recent titles of 2022 to the ample and diverse reading public of the Caribbean.
The most recent edition to the series Bolsillos feministas is the book-length essay Se llamaba doña Margot by César Colón Montijo. Ana M. Ochoa Gautier writes of this book, “this is a text written in Maelo beat, a soneo [lyrical improvisation] that traces, with affective density and compositional care, doña Margot’s ancestral Afro-feminist knowledge. By way of his rigorous analysis of both photographs and testimony, Colón Montijo rememorates the multiple knowledges of doña Margot, weaving her intersensory entanglement as a black woman who distinguished herself as songwriter, midwife, medium, and healer. In doing so, Colón Montijo conjures and remedies the historic erasure of doña Margot and proposes a new way to listen to the historiography of Afro Puerto Rican sonic modernity.
To explore our complete catalogue of over seventy titles, please visit: To purchase our books, please visit us online: Or come to Puerto Rico, where you can find our titles in local bookstores.
Nuevos títulos de Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), proyecto editorial independiente de pequeña escala, fundado en 2009 y con base en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, presenta al amplio y diverso público caribeño sus cuatro títulos más recientes del año 2022.
La serie Bolsillos feministas se amplía con el ensayo Se llamaba doña Margot de César Colón Montijo. En palabras de Ana M. Ochoa Gautier, éste es un texto en clave maelera, un soneo que traza, con densidad afectiva y cuidado compositivo, el saber ancestral afrofeminista de doña Margot. A través de un riguroso análisis fonográfico y testimonial, César Colón Montijo rememora los múltiples saberes de doña Margot, tejiendo su entramado intersensorial de mujer negra a través de su labor como compositora, partera, médium y sanadora. Al hacerlo, Colón Montijo conjura el borramiento histórico de doña Margot y da forma a una nueva manera de escuchar la historiografía de la modernidad sonora afropuertorriqueña.
Para explorar nuestro catálogo completo, con más de sesenta títulos publicados hasta la fecha, visita: Para adquirir nuestros libros, visita las librerías locales puertorriqueñas o nuestra tienda en línea en:
Nouveaux titres : Editora Educación Emergente (EEE) / Éditrice Éducation Émergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), projet d’édition indépendant à petite échelle, fondé en 2009 et basé à Cabo Rojo, Porto Rico, présente ses quatre titres les plus récents pour l’an 2022 à l’ample et divers public caribéen.
La série Poches féministes s'agrandit avec l'essai Se llamaba doña Margot / Elle s’appelait doña Margot de César Colón Montijo. Pour reprendre les mots d'Ana M. Ochoa Gautier, il s'agit d'un texte en tonalité maelera, une soneo qui retrace, avec densité affective et soin compositionnel, le savoir ancestral afroféministe de doña Margot. À travers une analyse phonographique et testimoniale rigoureuse, César Colón Montijo rappelle les savoirs multiples de doña Margot, tissant son tissu intersensoriel de femme noire à travers son travail de compositrice, sage-femme, médium et guérisseuse. Ce faisant, Colón Montijo conjure l'effacement historique de doña Margot et façonne une nouvelle écoute de l'historiographie de la modernité sonore afro-portoricaine.
Pour explorer notre catalogue complet, avec plus de soixante titres publiés à ce jour, visitez : Pour acheter nos livres, visitez les librairies portoricaines locales ou notre boutique en ligne à :
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~El entierro de Cortijo
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~El entierro de Cortijo
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), a small-scale independent publisher, established in 2009 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, is proud to announce the release of its most recent titles of 2022 to the ample and diverse reading public of the Caribbean.
A special collaboration with Publicaciones Gaviota, the new edition of Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá’s Puerto Rican classic El entierro de Cortijo is a new addition to our most recent series Ir-reverentes. A chronicle in counterpoints, the layers of this text, in apparent opposition to each other, become diluted in audacious rhythms that capture the Antillean Puerto Rican experience of the last third of the 20th century. Death and life are narrated here by a timid witness, who is implicated in the event but looks to remain at a distance. In these pages, the author is both medium and message. The character who goes by the name of Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá is a chronicler, photographer, literary critic, sociologist, historian, musicologist and, above all, a compulsive observer. He positions himself outside, but he is in the middle of the funeral for the greatest conga and kettledrum player to ever come out of public housing and who is, ultimately, the writer’s most ardent subject of affection. And it’s precisely Rafael Cortijo, the true revolutionary of Caribbean music who blended “quality and quantity, sonic community and individual charisma,” who brings together that other Puerto Ricanness. In this way, El entierro de Cortijo unsettles the oh so white, racist and classist lettered city, busting open the space for a chronicle of blackness and so many other excluded identities that reclaim their status as protagonists in these pages.
To explore our complete catalogue of over seventy titles, please visit: To purchase our books, please visit us online: Or come to Puerto Rico, where you can find our titles in local bookstores.
Nuevos títulos de Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), proyecto editorial independiente de pequeña escala, fundado en 2009 y con base en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, presenta al amplio y diverso público caribeño sus cuatro títulos más recientes del año 2022.
En co-edición con Publicaciones Gaviota, una nueva edición del clásico puertorriqueño El entierro de Cortijo, de Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá, se añade a nuestra serie de reciente estreno, Ir-reverentes. Crónica en contrapuntos, los planos de este texto –en oposición aparente– se marcan y diluyen en compases audaces e irreverentes que figuran al Puerto Rico antillano del último tercio del siglo XX. La muerte y la vida es narrada por un cronista tímido y arrojado, implicado y distante, medio y mensaje. El personaje llamado Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá es cronista, fotógrafo, crítico literario, sociólogo, historiador, musicólogo y, sobre todo, observador compulsivo. Se reconoce afuera, pero está adentro del entierro del conguero y timbalero mayor que ha dado el caserío y que es sujeto de su más entrañable ternura. Y es ese Rafael, el revolucionario de la música que fusionó “Calidad y cantidad, comunidad sonora e individualidad carismática”, quien convoca, aglutina y desata esa puertorriqueñidad otra. Así El entierro de Cortijo problematiza la ciudad letrada blanquísima, racista, clasista y, por ende, tercamente excluyente para abrir paso a una crónica sobre negritudes y marginalidades excluidas que reclaman su protagonismo.
Para explorar nuestro catálogo completo, con más de sesenta títulos publicados hasta la fecha, visita: Para adquirir nuestros libros, visita las librerías locales puertorriqueñas o nuestra tienda en línea en:
Nouveaux titres : Editora Educación Emergente (EEE) / Éditrice Éducation Émergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), projet d’édition indépendant à petite échelle, fondé en 2009 et basé à Cabo Rojo, Porto Rico, présente ses quatre titres les plus récents pour l’an 2022 à l’ample et divers public caribéen.
En coédition avec Publicaciones Gaviota, une nouvelle édition du classique portoricain El entierro de Cortijo / L’enterrement de Cortijo, d'Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá, s'ajoute à notre série récemment sortie, Ir-reverentes. Chronique en contrepoints, les plans de ce texte – en apparente opposition – sont marqués et dilués dans des compas audacieux et irrévérencieux où figure le Porto Rico antillais du dernier tiers du XXe siècle. La mort et la vie sont racontées par un chroniqueur timide et audacieux, impliqué et distant, moyen et message. Le personnage nommé Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá est chroniqueur, photographe, critique littéraire, sociologue, historien, musicologue et, surtout, observateur compulsif. On le reconnaît à l'extérieur, mais il est à l'intérieur de la sépulture du plus ancien joueur de conga et timbalier que le village ait produit et qui fait l'objet de sa tendresse la plus attachante. Et c'est ce Rafael, le révolutionnaire de la musique qui a fusionné "Qualité et quantité, communauté sonore et individualité charismatique", qui convoque, rassemble et libère cette portoriqueñidad autre. Ainsi, El entierro de Cortijo problématise la ville alphabétisée très blanche, raciste, classiste et, par conséquent, obstinément exclusive pour faire place à une chronique sur les négritudes et les marginalités exclues qui revendiquent leur protagonisme.
Pour explorer notre catalogue complet, avec plus de soixante titres publiés à ce jour, visitez : Pour acheter nos livres, visitez les librairies portoricaines locales ou notre boutique en ligne à :
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~de ir sé que vine
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~de ir sé que vine
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), a small-scale independent publisher, established in 2009 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, is proud to announce the release of its most recent titles of 2022 to the ample and diverse reading public of the Caribbean.
An intriguing addition to the series Edades de Siddhartha, Mell Rivera Díaz’s poetry collection de ir sé que vine chronicles a graduate student’s uneasy transit between the Puerto Rican archipelago and the fragile continental stretch of California, between Boricua Spanish and the overbearing English of empire. By way of his constant motion and corresponding self-reflection, the author gifts us poems that serve as intimate registers of ecological, corporeal, affective, political, and linguistic happenings. To be moved by this book, the reader must be willing to let themselves succumb to sudden sadness, dismissing any and every call to get over it. Thankfully, amidst so much and such tiring pain, hope does rear its head. Only it’s not the sort of hope peddled by life coaches and backed by big capital. Rather, it’s a vulnerable, sliver of the thing, brought on by the possibility that, say, all the missing bees in the world are flying underground. Or, maybe, whatever happiness we feel despite everything corresponds to the "wet air" we breathe “in this island we walk around,” or to the “little dance number we listen to on the way to school,” or to a pot of lentils, cooked to perfection and generously shared.
To explore our complete catalogue of over seventy titles, please visit: To purchase our books, please visit us online: Or come to Puerto Rico, where you can find our titles in local bookstores.
Nuevos títulos de Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), proyecto editorial independiente de pequeña escala, fundado en 2009 y con base en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, presenta al amplio y diverso público caribeño sus cuatro títulos más recientes del año 2022.
La serie Edades de Siddhartha se robustece con el poemario de ir sé que vine de Mell Rivera Díaz. El vaivén de un estudiante graduado entre las islas puertorriqueñas y la frágil franja continental de California, entre el español boricua y el inglés que se le superpone, sirve aquí como telón de fondo y de frente. Así, trajinando, el autor nos regala poemas-registros de estremecimientos climáticos, ecológicos, corporales, afectivos, políticos, lingüísticos. Dejarse acontecer por este libro depende de la disposición que se tenga a entristecer a boca de jarro, desoyendo cualquier exhortación a superarlo. Entre tanto y tan cansado dolor, se asoma la esperanza, pero no es la grandota del capital o los life coaches, sino una vulnerable, pequeñísima, provocada por la posibilidad de que las abejas desaparecidas estén, más bien, volando bajo tierra. La magnitud de nuestra alegría puede también corresponder al “aire mojado” que siempre se respira “en la isla por más que uno camine,” a una “cancioncita bailable de camino a la escuela porque nadie te quita lo bailao,” o a una olla de lentejas bien cocidas y generosamente compartidas.
Para explorar nuestro catálogo completo, con más de sesenta títulos publicados hasta la fecha, visita: Para adquirir nuestros libros, visita las librerías locales puertorriqueñas o nuestra tienda en línea en:
Nouveaux titres : Editora Educación Emergente (EEE) / Éditrice Éducation Émergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), projet d’édition indépendant à petite échelle, fondé en 2009 et basé à Cabo Rojo, Porto Rico, présente ses quatre titres les plus récents pour l’an 2022 à l’ample et divers public caribéen.
La série Ages of Siddhartha / Les âges de Siddhartha est renforcée avec le recueil de poèmes de ir sé que vine / à cause d’aller je sais que je suis venu de Mell Rivera Díaz. Le va-et-vient d'un étudiant d’études supérieures entre les îles portoricaines et la fragile bande continentale californienne, entre l'espagnol portoricain et l'anglais qui s'y superpose, sert ici à la fois d'arrière-plan et de premier plan. Ainsi, s'affairant, l'auteur nous livre des poèmes-registres de secousses climatiques, écologiques, corporelles, affectives, politiques et linguistiques. Se laisser toucher par ce livre dépend de la disposition qu'on a à s'attrister sans y penser, ignorant toute exhortation à le surmonter. Entre tant et tant de douleur fatiguée, l'espoir apparaît, mais ce n'est pas le grand espoir du capital ou des coachs de vie, mais plutôt un vulnérable, minuscule espoir, causé par la possibilité que les abeilles disparues volent plutôt sous terre. L'ampleur de notre joie peut aussi correspondre à "l'air humide" que l'on respire toujours "sur l'île, peu importe à quel point on marche", à une "petite chanson de danse sur le chemin de l'école parce que nadie te quita lo baila’o (personne ne t’enlève ce que tu as dansé)", ou à une marmite de lentilles bien cuites et généreusement partagées.
Pour explorer notre catalogue complet, avec plus de soixante titres publiés à ce jour, visitez : Pour acheter nos livres, visitez les librairies portoricaines locales ou notre boutique en ligne à :
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~La coquí nómada y el mar de estrellas
New Titles from Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)~La coquí nómada y el mar de estrellas
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), a small-scale independent publisher, established in 2009 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, is proud to announce the release of its most recent titles of 2022 to the ample and diverse reading public of the Caribbean.
Part of the series Otra Escuela, we are proud to present the children’s tale La coquí nómada y el mar de estrellas by Sara Gavrell Ortiz, with illustrations by Christíbiri López. Lani is a nomadic coquí, adventurous and playful. She’s searching for the sea and on the way, she meets a fun group of species—other coquíes, a lizard and a Hawksbill Sea turtle—who urge her to stay with them and play at being the pirate she dreams of becoming. But Lani decides to continue her journey and arrives at “a sea of stars,” a true marvel that far surpasses anything she could have imagined. This book invites us on a journey through some of the most iconic spots in Puerto Rico, which must be visited, yes, but also preserved: the Arecibo Observatory, the Camuy River Cave Park, the Tres Palmas marine reserve in Rincón, and the Mosquito Bioluminescent Bay in Vieques. This tale revindicates play, adventure, and hope for a better life for Lani, a coquí in happy harmony with her biodiverse surroundings.
To explore our complete catalogue of over seventy titles, please visit: To purchase our books, please visit us online: Or come to Puerto Rico, where you can find our titles in local bookstores.
Nuevos títulos de Editora Educación Emergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), proyecto editorial independiente de pequeña escala, fundado en 2009 y con base en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, presenta al amplio y diverso público caribeño sus cuatro títulos más recientes del año 2022.
En la serie Otra escuela, aparece el relato infantil La coquí nómada y el mar de estrellas, de Sara Gavrell Ortiz y con ilustraciones de Christíbiri López. Lani es una coquí nómada, aventurera y juguetona. Está en busca del mar y de camino conoce especies –otros coquíes, una lagartija y una carey– que la inspiran a quedarse a jugar y a ser la pirata que sueña. Pero Lani persiste en seguir su peripecia y termina en un “mar de estrellas,” una maravilla que supera su imaginación. Este libro nos invita a un recorrido por lugares icónicos de Puerto Rico que es preciso visitar y preservar: el Observatorio de Arecibo, el Parque Nacional de las Cavernas del Río Camuy, la Reserva Marina Tres Palmas en Rincón y la Bahía Bioluminiscente de Vieques. A la vez reivindica el juego, la aventura y la apuesta por la vida de Lani, una coquí en armonía con su entorno biodiverso.
Para explorar nuestro catálogo completo, con más de sesenta títulos publicados hasta la fecha, visita: Para adquirir nuestros libros, visita las librerías locales puertorriqueñas o nuestra tienda en línea en:
Nouveaux titres : Editora Educación Emergente (EEE) / Éditrice Éducation Émergente (EEE)
Editora Educación Emergente (EEE), projet d’édition indépendant à petite échelle, fondé en 2009 et basé à Cabo Rojo, Porto Rico, présente ses quatre titres les plus récents pour l’an 2022 à l’ample et divers public caribéen.
Dans la série Une autre école, apparaît le conte pour enfants La coquí nómada y el mar de estrellas / La coquí nomade et la mer d’étoiles, de Sara Gavrell Ortiz, avec des illustrations de Christíbiri López. Lani est une coquí nomade, aventureuse et joueuse. Elle est à la recherche de la mer et sur le chemin, elle rencontre des espèces – d'autres coquís, un lézard et une tortue carey – qui l'incitent à rester, à jouer et à être la pirate de ses rêves. Mais Lani persiste à suivre son aventure et se retrouve dans une "mer d'étoiles", une merveille au-delà de son imagination. Ce livre nous invite à une visite des lieux emblématiques de Porto Rico qui doivent être visités et préservés : l'observatoire d'Arecibo, le parc national des cavernes de la rivière Camuy, la réserve marine de Tres Palmas à Rincón et la baie bioluminescente de Vieques. En même temps, il revendique le jeu, l'aventure et l'engagement envers la vie de Lani, une coquí en harmonie avec son environnement biodiversifié.
Pour explorer notre catalogue complet, avec plus de soixante titres publiés à ce jour, visitez : Pour acheter nos livres, visitez les librairies portoricaines locales ou notre boutique en ligne à :
Small Axe Welcomes New Editorial Assistants
Small Axe Welcomes New Editorial Assistants
Small Axe is happy to announce that Dantaé Elliott, Tyler Grand Pre and Mayaki Kimba will be joining our team as editorial assistants as of 1 September 2022. We look forward to their creative contributions to the work we do.
Dantaé Elliott is a Ph.D Candidate in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at New York University. She has a particular interest in contemporary Caribbean Art and its relation to migration within the Caribbean diaspora and region, while examining the phenomenon “barrel children syndrome.” To highlight migratory remittance and the relationship between a material object, that not only carries personal and emotional significance, but facilitates interpersonal interactions. She holds a B.A. in Spanish Language and Literature with a concentration in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) from Roanoke College and a M.A. in Spanish Language and Literature with a focus on Golden Age Literature in Spain from the University of Delaware. She is also the program assistant for the Caribbean Initiative workshop series at the Center for Caribbean and Latin American Studies at NYU. She is currently serving as Co-Facilitator for the CCCADI (Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute) Summer Seminar for their Curatorial Fellowship class of 2022/2023. She is a featured artist in Volume 4 of Forgotten Lands, titled Currents of Africa, released in June 2022.
Tyler Grand Pre is a Ph.D student in the Department of English and Comparative Literature and ICLS affiliate at Columbia University. Within the scope of both African diasporic and, particularly, Caribbean literature and culture, his research revolves around poetic responses to the infrastructure of race—that is, the networks of technologies, materials, and representational practices that structure the social, economic and spatial hierarchies of race. Tyler therefore examines the way different writers and artists respond to the built and mapped environment to reimagine community both within and without the borders of language, race, and geography. Before earning his MA and MPhil in his current department at Columbia University, Tyler received a BA from the University of Illinois at Chicago where he double majored in English as well as French and francophone studies. He is therefore interested in translation studies and has translated between French and English for Routledge as well as the NGO Women’s Global Education Project. Tyler regularly teaches UW classes for the Undergraduate Writing Program themed around human rights and is leading a section of the course Literary Texts, Critical Methods for the English department this Fall (2022).
Mayaki Kimba is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science at Columbia University, specializing in political theory. His research interests concern the legacy of empire in shaping ideas around race and migration in twentieth-century Western Europe. Other and related interests include Black political thought, anticolonial political thought, (social) citizenship and the welfare state. He was born and raised in the Netherlands, and graduated with a B.A. in political science from Reed College in May 2020. His essay on T. H. Marshall, late imperial ideology and racialized migrant exclusion was selected for a 2020 award by the Undergraduate Essay Prize Committee of the North American Conference on British Studies.
Thanks to our Editorial Assistants
Thanks to our Editorial Assistants
We at Small Axe express our appreciation to the following editorial assistants who have worked with the journal project for the last several years. We wish them every success in their future endeavors.
Noni Carter is a historical and speculative fiction author, performance artist, and academic. Noni has a PhD in French and Francophone studies from Columbia. Her work focuses on memory, gender, and slavery in the literary traditions of the Black diaspora, specifically the French Caribbean. She has published work in Italy's RSA Journal and in Volume 2 of the Comparative Literature History of Modern Slavery compilation. She is the author of the Young-Adult, historical-fiction novel Good Fortune published by Simon & Schuster in 2010 and the recipient of the 2019 PEN/Phyllis Naylor Working Writer Fellowship for her work-in-progress Young-Adult novel Womb Talk. Noni is a classical pianist and is currently building a multi-media organization for young people of color with her talented sisters. Noni worked as editorial assistant with Small Axe from 2019-2022. You can read more about Noni and learn what she is up to by visiting her website:
Alyssa A. James is a fifth year PhD candidate in anthropology at Columbia University and started as an editorial assistant with Small Axe in September 2019. She is currently conducting her field work in Martinique, examining the social and political processes involved in reviving the island's storied coffee production. Her research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Wenner Gren Foundation. Alyssa is also a 2022-2023 Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities Public Humanities Graduate Fellow. She will be working with her colleague and co-host Brendane Tynes to expand the reach of their popular Black feminist anthropology podcast, Zora’s Daughters (
Liberty Martin (she/her) joined Small Axe as a sophomore and remained as an editorial assistant until a year after she graduated from Columbia University in the City of New York with a B.A. in comparative literature and Caribbean studies. Born and raised within a Jamaican family in London, her research interests include Caribbean creoles and patois in literature and Black British history. She is currently working on her first novel and freelances as an editorial production manager and a research paralegal. She has previously worked with the Economist Educational Foundation, the Financial Times, the Black Cultural Archives, and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center, amongst other publications and organizations
"Erna Brodber's Social Ethics of Black Memory": David Scott's preface to sx68 available now
"Erna Brodber's Social Ethics of Black Memory": David Scott's preface to sx68 available now
In the preface to the latest issue of Small Axe (68), David Scott examines Erna Brodber’s work on Jamaican oral history and what can be understood as a “Social Ethics of Black Memory” motivating her historiographic method.
Like every preface, this piece is available for free on Duke’s website. Click here to read.
(Credit for the photo of Erna Brodber at the Zanzibar International Film Festival in 2015)
Race:Gender:Class Presents "Black Girl Play: Revisioning Freedom"
Race:Gender:Class Presents "Black Girl Play: Revisioning Freedom"
From the University of Johannesburg's Center for the Study of Race, Gender & Class
16th Helen Joseph Memorial Lecture - with Scheherazade Tillet
Date: Wednesday 10th August 2022
Time: 18:00 (SAST) / 12:00 (EDT)
Location: Ubuntu Chambers, UJ Kingsway Campus (map), or online
Gather with us this Wednesday for a unique reflection on Blackness, play, freedom, trauma and healing…
Those in Johannesburg can join them us person (please RSVP below). Those from our broader community can join online via Zoom (please register below). This will be a transnational sharing of lived experience and struggle, made urgent by the normative crisis of racial-sexual violence we navigate daily in South Africa.
RSVP for the in person event here.
Zoom registration (online participation) can be accessed here.
The 2022 Helen Joseph Memorial lecture is hosted by the Centre for the Study of Race, Gender and Class and speaks to its emphasis on the relationship between Black feminist intellectual and creative praxis and activism. A photographer, art therapist and community organizer, their keynote speaker, Scheherazade Tillet engages us around practices of visibilizing Black girls and women’s experiences of community, gender and police violence at local and global levels. Co-founder and Executive Director of A Long Walk Home (ALWH), a Chicago-based national nonprofit, that uses art to empower young people and end violence against girls and women, Tillet uses site-specific work to explore the themes of gendered vulnerability, racial invisibility, pleasure, and play.
The Helen Joseph Memorial Lecture has sat in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Johannesburg since 2005. Named for the British-born anti-apartheid activist, the Helen Joseph Memorial lecture was spearheaded by the Centre for Social Development in Africa and Professor Leila Patel and intended to speak to Joseph’s legacy and that of the wider terrain of women’s movements in South Africa. The lecture is often held in August in commemoration of the 1956 August 9th Women’s March to the Union Buildings against pass laws that Joseph led, along with other leaders of the Federation of South African Women like Lilian Ngoyi. Tried for treason and held under house arrest for over two decades, Joseph was a strident critic of apartheid and a champion of the rights of women, children and families.