SX Blog


What is Journal Work? A Small Axe Conversation

16 September 2016
What is Journal Work? poster

Please join us! Friday, 16 September 2016

This year, 2016, Small Axe turns twenty years old. And this year too, our fiftieth issue was published. We are not big on celebrations, it is true, but to mark the occasion we are organizing a roundtable conversation around the theme “What Is Journal Work?” We have invited editors (or founders) of notable journal platforms to help us think about the distinctive work (in all its dimensions) of journals in intellectual and artistic innovation and intervention.

The afternoon will unfold in two parts. In part one we will have a roundtable conversation. In part two we will have a number of people speak about the contribution of Small Axe over the twenty years of its existence. We hope that you will join us on Friday, 16 September 2016 from 1:00 to 6:30pm at Sulzberger Parlor, 3rd floor, Barnard Hall, Barnard College. Barnard Hall is located immediately upon entering through the main gate of the Barnard College campus at Broadway and 117th Street. 

Part 1: Roundtable Program

What is Journal Work? A conversation
Welcome: Vanessa Pérez-Rosario, managing editor, Small Axe
Opening Remarks: David Scott, Small Axe
1:30-3:30pm: Roundtable, What is Journal Work? 
Moderator: Vanessa Agard-Jones, Small Axe, Souls
Louis Chude-Sokei, The Black Scholar
Lowell Fiet, Sargasso
Kaiama L. Glover and Alex Gil, sx: archipelagos
Sean Jacobs, Africa is a Country
Kelly Baker Josephs, sx salon
Patricia Saunders, Anthurium
Ashwani Sharma, darkmatter
Kuan-Hsing Chen, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements 

Part 2: Small Axe Celebration
Moderator: Nijah Cunningham, coordinator, Small Axe Project
Hazel Carby, Yale University
Silvio Torres-Saillant, Syracuse University, Latino Studies Journal
Brent Hayes Edwards, Columbia University  

5:20pm Closing remarks: David Scott

5:30-6:30pm: Reception