sx salon books for review
sx salon books for review

Featured book:
Istwa across the Water: Haitian History, Memory, and the Cultural Imagination, by Toni Pressley-Sanon (2017)
We offer the following partial list in order to highlight newly published books in Caribbean Literature and Caribbean Studies. If you have any questions about sx salon book reviews, please contact our book review editor Vanessa K. Valdés ( Click here to view list on sx salon site.
The Tower of the Antilles, Achy Obejas (2017)
Dance on the Volcano, by Marie Vieux-Chauvet, trans. Kaiama L. Glover (1957/2017)
Love’s Promise, by Opal Palmer Adisa (2017)
Moving Forward Sideways Like a Crab, by Shani Mootoo (2017)
Hadriana in All My Dreams, by René Depestre, trans. Kaiama L. Glover (2017)
Gone to Drift, by Diana McCauley (2016)
Le miroir d’Anabelle et autres récits, by Lyonel Trouillot (2016)
The Bone Readers, by Jacob Ross (2016)
The Orchid House, by Phyllis Shand Allfrey (1953/2016)
The Angels’ Share, by Garfield Ellis (2016)
Tracing Jaja, by Anthony Kellman (2016)
J--, Black Bam and the Masqueraders, by Garth St. Omer (2016)
My Mother Was a Freedom Fighter, by Aja Monet (2017)
Pitch Lake, by Andre Bagoo (2017)
Kumina Queen, by Monica Minott (2016)
Absolute Solitude, by Dulce María Loynaz, trans. By James O’Connor (1953/2016)
Fossil, by Maya Chowdhry (2016)
Kingston Buttercup, by Ann-Margaret Lim (2016)
Beastgirl & Other Origin Myths, by Elizabeth Acevedo (2016)
Cannibal, by Safiya Sinclair (2016)
Only the Road / Solo el camino: Eight Decades of Cuban Poetry, ed. by Margaret Randall (2016)
Speak from Here to There, by Kwame Dawes and John Kinsella (2016)
Book of the Dead, by Lasana M. Sekou (2016)
Measures of Expatriation, by Vahni Capildeo (2016)
Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, by Roxane Gay (2017)
Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean, by Peter James Hudson (2017)
Suspect Freedoms: The Racial and Sexual Politics of Cubanidad in New York, 1823-1957, by Nancy Raquel Mirabal (2017)
Haiti and the Uses of America: Post-U.S. Occupation Promises, by Chantalle F. Verna (2017)
Direct Democracy: Collective Power, the Swarm, and the Literatures of the Americas, by Scott Henkel (2017)
Write of Passage: Stories of the American Era of the Panama Canal, by the Panama Canal Museum (2017)
Contrary Destinies: A Century of America’s Occupation, Deoccupation, and Reoccupation of Haiti, by Leon D. Pamphile (2017)
Carnival and National Identity in the Poetry of Afrocubanismo, by Thomas Anderson (2017)
The Black Jacobins Reader, ed. by Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg (2017)
Island People: The Caribbean and the World, by Joshua Jelly-Schapiro (2016)
The Caribbean Oral Tradition: Literature, Performance, and Practice, ed. by Hanétha Vété-Congolo (2016)
White Innocence: Paradoxes of Colonialism and Race, by Gloria D. Wekker (2016)
The Colour of Shadows: Images of Caribbean Slavery, by Judy Raymond (2016)
Gendered Geographies in Puerto Rican Culture: Spaces, Sexualities, Solidarities, by Radost Rangelova (2016)
She is Cuba: A Genealogy of the Mulata Body, by Melissa Blanco Borelli (2016)
Calypso Magnolia: The Crosscurrents of Caribbean and Southern Literature, by John Wharton Lowe (2016)
Léon-Gontran Damas: Une Négritude entière, ed. by Hanétha Vété-Congolo (2016)