SX Blog


She'll Chew You Up: Tiana Reid on Safiya Sinclair and Tiphanie Yanique

18 May 2017

Tiana Reid, Small Axe's editorial assistant, has recently published a piece for Cordite Poetry Review on Safiya Sinclair's debut book of poems, Cannibal, and Tiphanie Yanique's 2015 Wife. "If the novel form is a question mark," she asks," then, and while reading...Cannibal... I thought the poetic form might as well be an em dash. Versatile, incidental, fragmented, paratactic, broken down and broken into."

To read Tiana's full review, please visit Cordite's website

Tiana Reid is a writer whose work has been published in ARC Magazine, Bitch, Briarpatch, The Feminist Wire, Full Stop, Lemon Hound, Maisonneuve, Mask Magazine, The New Inquiry,, The Rumpus, The Toast, VICE and more. She is a PhD student in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University and editorial assistant at Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism.