"No More a Fragile Thing"
-sx archipelagos launches sophomore issue
"No More a Fragile Thing"
-sx archipelagos launches sophomore issue

The sx archipelagos editorial team is excited to present our sophomore issue. Since launching the journal last year we’ve both shored up and expanded our community of contributors and collaborators, and we hope sxa (2) does justice to this evolution. The essays in the issue all turn around the question of Haiti, history, and the digital – from Laura Wagner on curating and preserving oral/aural history, to Sarah Juliet Lauro on gaming the Haitian Revolution, to Nathan H. Dize, Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, Abby R. Broughton, and Brittany M. de Gail on the thrills of interactive pedagogy. Our expanded digital project section includes both a featured peer-review of the Ramble Bahamas! platform as well as a behind-the-curtains look at the making of The Archive of Ecclesiastical and Secular Sources for Slave Societies (ESSSS). Rounding out the issue, our project reviews present two extraordinary, established online research platforms – The Digital Archeological Archive of Comparative Slavery and The Caribbean Memory Project – both of which our readers would do well to check out. Onward!
To read the second issue of sx archipelagos, please visit our site.