SX Blog


the caribbean digital IV

25 November 2017
the caribbean digital iv

30 November – 1 December 2017
The Colonnades Club and The Inn at Darden
University of Virginia

In our evening keynote conversation and over the course of our day of multiform panel presentations, participants engage critically with the digital as praxis, reflecting on the challenges and opportunities presented by the media technologies that evermore intensely reconfigure the social, historical, and geo-political contours of the Caribbean and its diasporas. Presenters consider the affordances and limitations of the digital with respect to a wide range of disciplines and methodologies. Discussions pick up themes addressed in our 2014 inaugural event and, subsequently, during our 2015 and 2016 events – many of which currently feature in our first and second issues of sx archipelagos, the peer-reviewed Small Axe Project publishing platform dedicated to Caribbean digital scholarship and scholarship of the Caribbean digital. Read more on our website here