Caribbean Cosmopolis: Timeports of Modernity

Image: Christopher Cozier, The Castaway, detail from the Tropical Night series..2006- ongoing
October 12 & 13, 2017
Rm 1008 Humanities
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY
The conference will examine the changing modes and meanings of time, temporality (or time’s passing) and futurity in Caribbean cultural production from the 15th century to the present. It will bring together a cross-disciplinary and inter-hemispheric group of scholars to explore the Caribbean as a crucial space of time-making, calibration and reinvention. The conference will also provide a platform to convene around the current emergency in the region, where the response to natural disasters entails a recourse to both colonial imaginaries and narratives and 21st century technocratic discourses of expertise and efficiency. Small Axe's Yarimar Bonilla, Kelly Baker Josephs, and David Scott will speak at the event. For a full list of participants and schedule for the event, please visit the website here.
Sponsored by the Faculty in the Arts, Humanities and lettered Social Sciences (FAHSS) Fund, Africana Studies, Hispanic Languages and Literature, the Center for Inclusive Education, the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center and HISB.