SX Blog


sx salon 34 now available!

17 July 2020
sx salon 34 tentacle rita indiana

From sx salon's editor, Rachel L. Mordecai:

The new issue of sx salon appears against the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which, in the United States, is disproportionately affecting Black, brown, and immigrant communities, and also against the ongoing, massive uprising in defense of Black lives and freedom triggered by the murder of George Floyd. We find ourselves in times of anxiety and hope, of terror and possibility.

As always, our intention at sx salon is to present work that nourishes the mind and the soul—speaking of what is, with our eyes always firmly fixed on what can be. sx salon 34 therefore brings you a discussion of Rita Indiana’s cli-fi novel Tentacle, in a special section edited and introduced by Njelle W. Hamilton; a special book reviews section marking the fortieth anniversary of Walter Rodney’s death, edited and introduced by our reviews editor Ronald Cummings; and a wonderful selection of new Caribbean creative writing by Margarita Rosa, Mauricio Almonte, and Vanessa Jimenez Gabb, curated as always by creative editor Rosamond S. King.

Take heart, stay safe, and imagine the world we might bring into being.

Read the latest issue of sx salon here.


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