SX Blog


Small Axe 69 is now available!

28 December 2022
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Small Axe 69 opens with David Scott's preface, "The Last West Indian," in memory of George Lamming. This issue includes essays by Grace L. Sanders Johnson, Audra Diptée, Ben Etherington and Natalie Catasús. Julio Ramos guest edits our special section, "The Legacies of Luisa Capetillo," which marks the centenary of the Puerto Rican radical feminist's death, with contributions by Nancy Bird-Soto, Luis Othoniel Rosa, Beatriz Llenín-Figueroa and Jorrell A. Meléndez-Badillo. Work by Puerto Rican photographer Luis Carle is featured on the cover and in this issue's visual essay, "Dirty Martini Delivers Gender Justice." Puerto Rican poet and translator, Raquel Salas Rivera asks "How Do You Translate Compaña?" for our Translating the Caribbean project. Randi Gill-Sadler and Belinda Deneen Wallace discuss Laurie Lambert's Comrade Sister: Caribbean Feminist Revisions of the Grenada Revolution.

We invite you to engage the performance art published in our blog, sx live titled, Luisa Capetillo, cuchillo en boca" (Luisa Capetillo, Knife Between Her Teeth) by Teresa Hernández. 

As we remember George Lamming, we invite you to read David Scott's interview with the author: "The Sovereignty of the Imagination: An Interview with George Lamming."