SX Blog


sx salon 35 now available

9 December 2020


The latest issue of sx salon is now available online.

In sx salon 35, we are pleased to present Andil Gosine on the work of artist Wendy Nanan (whose self-titled solo exhibition at the Art Museum of the Americas has been postponed because of the pandemic); Ronald Cummings on the 2019 film Shella Record: A Reggae Mystery, a Canadian filmmaker’s search for the story of Jamaican singer Sheila Rickards; Kelly Baker Josephs on the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of Savacou and how we might consider the afterlives of journals, their “futures in our presents”; and finally, Ren Ellis Neyra on blackness, brownness, and the ethics of conscripting the former into the semiotic construction of the latter.

In our reviews section, reviews of Kaie Kellough’s poetry collection Magnetic Equator (Canadian winner of the 2020 Griffin Poetry Prize); Lorna Goodison’s Redemption Ground: Essays and Adventures; Orlando Patterson’s The Confounding Island: Jamaica and the Postcolonial Predicament; Aaron Kamugisha’s Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition; Jeb Sprague’s Globalizing the Caribbean: Political Economy, Social Change, and the Transnational Capitalist Class; Brian Russell Roberts and Michelle Ann Stephens’s collection Archipelagic American Studies. Plus new Caribbean creative writing: poems by Vladimir Lucien and John Robert Lee and a short story by Kirk V. Bhajan.

Enjoy, and stay safe.

Rachel L. Mordecai