Note: We offer the following partial list in order to highlight newly published books in Caribbean Literature and Caribbean Studies. If you are interested in writing a book review for sx salon, please contact our book review editor Ronald Cummings (

Featured Book
We Must Learn to Sit Down Together and Talk About a Little Culture: Decolonising Essays 1967-1984 by Sylvia Wynter (2022)
The Stranger Who Was Myselfby Barbara Jenkins (2022)
Crusoe’s Footprints by Patrick Chamoiseau. (Translated by Jeffrey Landon Allen and Charly Verstraet) (2022)
I am Alive by Kettly Mars. Translated by Nathan H. Dize (2022)
The Dreaming by Andre Bagoo (2022)
One Day, One Day Congotay by Merle Hodge (2022)
Now Lila Knows by Elizabeth Nunez (2022)
Moon Witch, Spider King by Marlon James (2022).
When We Were Birdsby Ayanna Lloyd Banwo (2022)
The Mystic Masseur’s Wife by J. Vijay Maharaj (2022)
A Scream in the Shadows by Macdonald Dixon (2022)
What a Mother’s Love Don’t Teach You by Sharma Taylor (2022)
The Sun’s Love Is Ours: A Novellaby David Dacosta (2022)
The Cocoa Dancer and Other Stories by Alwyn Bully (2021)
Pleasantviewby Celeste Mohammed (2021)
The Bread the Devil Knead by Lisa Allen-Agostini (2021)
Popishoby Leone Ross (2021)
Fortune by Amanda Smyth (2021)
What Storm, What Thunder by Myriam Chancy (2021)
The Day I Fell off my Island byYvonne Bailey-Smith (2021)
Waiting for the Waters to Riseby Maryse Condé (2021)
Saga Boy by Antonio Michael Downing (2021)
Book of the Little Axe Lauren Francis-Sharma (2021)
How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House by Cherie Jones (2021)
Forgiving Stephen Redmond by A.J Sidransky (2021)
Boat People, by Mayra Santos Febres (translated by Vanessa Pérez-Rosario), (2021)
Shabine and Other Stories by Hazel Simmons-Macdonald
Tea by the Sea by Donna Hemans (2020)
Rainbow Milk by Paul Mendez (2020)
These Ghosts Are Family by Maisy Card (2020)
Cane Warriors by Alex Wheatle (2020)
Stick No Bills by Elizabeth Walcott-Hackshaw
The Mermaid of Black Conch by Monique Roffey (2020)
Daylight Come by Diana McCaulay (2020)
The Errors of Rendering by Funso Aiyejina (2020)
Love After Love by Ingrid Persaud (2020)
The Last Train by Mervyn Taylor (2023)
Self-Portrait as Othello by Jason Allen-Paisant (2023)
No Way in the Skin without This Bloody Embraceby Jean D'Amérique (translator Conor Bracken) (2022).
We Are Not Wearing Helmets by Cheryl Boyce-Taylor (2022)
Sonnets for Albert by Anthony Joseph (2022)
Cane/Fire by Shani Mootoo (2022)
All the Names Given by Raymond Antrobus (2021)
What Noise Against the Cane by Desiree C. Bailey
The Kids by Hannah Lowe (2021)
Zion Roses by Monica Minott (2021)
Sanctuaries of Inventionby Jennfer Rahim (2021)
No Ruined Stone by Shara McCallum (2021)
Witness in Stoneby Esther Phillips (2021)
Just Us by Claudia Rankine (2020)
Guabancexby Celia Sorhaindo (2020)
Surge by Jay Bernard (2019)
Epiphanea by Richard Georges (2019)
Modern, Age &c by Raymond Ramcharitar (2019
The Collected Poems of Edouard Glissant, edited and with an Introduction by Jeff Humphries, Translated by Jeff Humphries and Melissa Manolas (2019).
Honeyfish, by Lauren K Alleyne
A Portable Paradise, by Roger Robinson (2019)
Defiant Bodiesby Nikoli Attai (2023)
After the Postcolonial Caribbean: Memory, Imagination, Hope by Brian Meeks (2023)
The Sexual Politics of Empire: Postcolonial Homophobia in Haiti by Erin L. Durban (2023)
Deadpan: The Aesthetics of Black Inexpression by Tina Post (2023)
Of Black Study by Joshua Myers (2023)
Buyers Beware by Patricia Joan Saunders (2022)
Looking for Other Worlds by Régine Michelle Jean-Charles (2022)
Rastafari: The Evolution of a People and Their Identity by Charles Price (2022)
Fear of a Black Republicby Leslie M. Alexander (2022)
Claude McKay: The Making of a Black Bolshevik by Winston James (2022)
We Must Learn to Sit Down and Talk About a Little Culture by Sylvia Wynter (2022)
Black Man Listen: The Life of JR Ralph Casimir by Kathy Casimir MacLean (2022)
Fractal Families in New Millennium Narrative by Afro-Puerto Rican Women by John T. Maddox IV. (2022)
Puerto Rico 1965-1990: A Quarter Century of Highlights, Hopes, Status and Stasis by Robert Freidman (2022)
The Slave Sublime: The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music by Stacy J. Lettman (2022)
Horizon, Sea, Sound by Andrea Davis (2022)
Julia de Burgos: La creación de un ícono puertorriqueño by Vanessa Pérez-Rosario (2022)
Equaliberty in the Dutch Caribbean: Ways of Being Non/Sovereign edited by Yvon van der Pijl, Francio Guadeloupe (2022)
The Drum Is a Wild Woman: Jazz and Gender in African Diaspora Literatureby Patricia G. Lespinasse (2022)
Fear of Black Consciousness by Lewis Gordon (2022)
There’s a Disco Ball Between Us: A Theory of Black Gay Life by Jafari S. Allen (2022)
Afrosonic Life by Mark V. Campbell (2022)
King Yellowmanby Brent Hagerman (2021)
Cuba: An American History by Ada Ferrer (2021)
The Disordered Cosmos by Chandra Prescod-Weinstein (2021)
100+ Voices for Miss Lou: Poetry, Tributes, Interviews, Essays by Opal Palmer Adisa (2021)
How Britain Underdeveloped the Caribbeanby Hilary McD. Beckles (2021)
The Other Windrush: Legacies of Indenture in Britain's Caribbean EmpireEdited by Maria del Pilar Kaladeen and David Dabydeen (2021).
A Return to Roots: "CuBajans" in Barbadosby Sharon Milagro Marshall (2021)
Riff: The Shake Keane Story by Phillip Nanton (2021)
Writing the Caribbean in Magazine Time by Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann (2021)
Dreams of Archives Unfolded by Jocelyn Fenton Stitt (2021)
Dear Science and Other Stories by Katherine McKittrick (2021)
Reckoning with Slavery by Jennifer L. Morgan (2021)
Tacky’s Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War by Vincent Brown (2020)
Wicked Flesh by Jessica Marie Johnson (2020)
Haiti’s Paper War by Chelsea Stieber (2020)
Alleviative Objects Intersectional Entanglement and Progressive Racism in Caribbean Art by David Frohnapfel (2020).
The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde by Therese Kaspersen Hadchity
Writing in Space 1973-2019by Lauren O’Grady (2020)
Wide Sargasso Sea at 50 by eds. Elaine Savory and Erica L. Johnson (2020)
Decolonial Marxism: Essays from the Pan-African Revolution by Walter Rodney