SX Blog


sx salon's creative editor Rosamond S. King to feature in Brooklyn Book Festival

21 September 2020
brooklyn book festival rosamond s king

Date: Monday, 28th September
Time: 7:30pm

Discover your next favorite New York reading series! The Reading Series of New York collective is excited to feature readers from five of New York’s finest reading series. Each curator will introduce a writer who epitomizes the spirit of their series – featuring Rosamond S. King (Women Writers in Bloom Poetry Salon), Stacie Evans (Big Words, etc.), Malcolm Tariq (Maracuyá Peach Reading Series), I.S. Jones (Angry Reading Series), Marwa Helal (Soul Sister Revue), and Rachel Eliza Griffiths (First Person Plural Reading Series)!

Image and text from the Brooklyn Book Festival's website