SX Blog


sx archipelagos now accepting submissions for "Slavery in the Machine"

17 February 2018
sx archipelagos

sx archipelagos is now accepting submissions for our upcoming special section "Slavery in the Machine," guest edited by Jessica Marie Johnson. This special section aims to highlight scholarship situated at the intersection of technology and hemispheric American slavery. Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • black code studies through a hemispheric lens
  • plantation societies and the socio-technics of enslavement
  • digital archives of slavery
  • representations of slavery on the open web or social media
  • cultural analytics and slavery

Deadline for abstracts 16 April
Article submission deadline 16 July

sx archipelagos is a born-digital articulation of the Small Axe Project. It is a peer-reviewed publication platform devoted to creative exploration, debate, and critical thinking about and through digital practices in contemporary scholarly and artistic work in and on the Caribbean. Given the wide implications of the “digital turn” for our very conceptions of knowledge, our mission is to discern the ways in which the digital may enhance and transform our comprehension of the regional and diasporic Caribbean. sx archipelagos responds to this challenge with three distinct dimensions of critical production: scholarly essays; digital scholarship projects; and digital project reviews