sx salon 29

Sovereignty and Stagecraft in Panama and the Canal Zone

Katherine A. Zien, Sovereign Acts: Performing Race, Space, and Belonging in Panama and the Canal Zone (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2017); 265 pages; ISBN 978-0813584102 (paperback)

Jennifer Brittan
October 2018

(Re)Claiming, Re(photographing) the Caribbean Figure

Roshini Kempadoo, Creole in the Archive: Imagery, Presence, and the Location of the Caribbean Figure (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2016); 270 pages; ISBN 978-1783482207 (hardcover)

Sebastian Charles Galbo
October 2018

Illuminating Narratives of and by the Undocumented

Marta Caminero-Santangelo, Documenting the Undocumented: Latina/o Narratives and Social Justice in the Era of Operation Gatekeeper (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2016); 296 pages; ISBN 978-0813062594 (hardcover)

Francisco E. Robles
October 2018

The Power of the People

Scott Henkel, Direct Democracy: Collective Power, the Swarm, and the Literatures of the Americas (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2017); 209 pages; ISBN 978-146812254 (hardcover)

Matthew Scully
October 2018

Johnnie’s Letters

Epistolary Practice in Andrew Salkey’s Escape to an Autumn Pavement

Ronald Cummings
October 2018
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