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SX 71: 7.2023

The Beginning is the End and the End is the Beginning

Preface: The Heretical Humanism of Anthony Bogues  
David Scott 

Aimé Césaire’s Yugoslav Detour 
Alexandra Perisic 

Recuperating the Value of Nothing in Erna Brodber’s
Short Novel Nothing’s Mat  

Dashiell Moore 

A Sense of Displacement: Stuart Hall’s Art of Living 
David Scott 

Maureen Warner-Lewis and the African Presence in the Caribbean 

Widening Horizons 
Maureen Warner-Lewis 

Maureen Warner-Lewis, Friend and Colleague 
Velma Pollard 

Cultural Criticism and It’s Generations: 
The Achievement of Maureen Warner-Lewis 
Faith Smith 

Echoes in the Bone: Hearing Africa in
Maureen Warner-Lewis’s Caribbean

Rhonda Cobham-Sander 

Maureen Warner-Lewis’s Work as African Recognition 
Victoria J Collis-Buthelezi 

Keywords in Caribbean Studies: Cimarrón, Marron, Maroon 

Cimarrón and the Reordering of the Living World 
Ileana Rodríguez-Silva 

Simarrona: Beyond Etymologies toward a Practice of Unlearning 
SJ Zhang 

Haitian Mawonaj, the "Picaroons," and Re-centering
the Maritime Dimensions of Maroon History

Johnhenry Gonzalez 

Maroon, Fiiman, Busikondeesama: A Play on Identity
in Three Speech Acts

Corinna Campbell and Tolin Alexander 

The Beginning is the End and the End is the Beginning
Nadia Huggins 

Book Discussion: Andil Gosine, Nature’s Wild: Love, Sex,
and Law in the Caribbean

Embracing our Animal Selves: The Liberatory Politics
Andil Gosine’s Nature’s Wild

Kedon Willis 

"We are Animal. So What?" 
Rajiv Mohabir 

This is How You Become the Animal you are so Bent
on Becoming

Michelle V. Rowley

Animal History; Animal Future? 
Andil Gosine