The timeline is meant to provide a summary and readily intelligible picture of the highlights and benchmarks in the history of the Small Axe Project, thus far. It traces the overall arc of our development from a single platform based in the print journal Small Axe to a multi-platform project ranging across a number of genres and concentrations—sx salon, sx archipelagos, sx visualities, the sx literary competition—that together constitute a large part of what we mean by journal work. Scroll through it and you will have at a glance a rich outline of our journey.
small axe through the years >
States of Crisis: Disaster, Recovery, and Possibility in the Caribbean
States of Crisis: Disaster, Recovery, and Possibility in the Caribbean
sx62 special section "States of Crisis: Disaster, Recovery, and Possibility in the Caribbean" guest-edited by Ryan Cecil Jobson
VLOSA TENT (Rotterdam)
VLOSA TENT (Rotterdam)
Visual Life of Social Affliction exhibition at TENT, Rotterdam. July - September 2020.
sx archipelagos becomes independent
sx archipelagos becomes independent
Started in 2016, sx archipelagos becomes independent on its fourth issue in 2020, rebranded as archipelagos: a journal of Caribbean digital praxis
Translating the Caribbean
Translating the Caribbean
sx 60 special section, "Translating the Caribbean," on José Lezama Lima's "Julián del Casal" by Arnaldo M Cruz Malavé
Caribbean Digital VI
Caribbean Digital VI
Caribbean Digital VI by archipelagos journal and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center
VLOSA Little Haiti Cultural Center
VLOSA Little Haiti Cultural Center
Visual Life of Social Affliction exhibition at the Little Haiti Cultural Center, Miami. November 2019 - February 2020.
VLOSA National Art Gallery of the Bahamas
VLOSA National Art Gallery of the Bahamas
Visual Life of Social Affliction exhibition at the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas, Nassau
Rachel L. Mordecai takes over as sx salon editor from Kelly Baker Josephs
Rachel L. Mordecai takes over as sx salon editor from Kelly Baker Josephs
Rachel L. Mordecai, Caribbean literature scholar and associate professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst, becomes the editor of sx salon, assuming the position from inaugural editor Kelly Baker Josephs. Her debut issue is issue 31.
Jamaican 1950s: A Symposium
Jamaican 1950s: A Symposium
The Jamaican 1970s
The Jamaican 1970s
sx58 special section, "The Jamaican 1970s"
New members join Small Axe editorial committee
New members join Small Axe editorial committee
As of 2019, the Small Axe editorial committee compromises of Charles V. Carnegie, Victoria Collis-Buthelezi, Dixa Ramírez D'Oleo, Andil Gosine, Erica Moiah James, Régine Jean-Charles, Kelly Baker Josephs, Aaron Kamugisha, Antonio López, Wayne Modest, Tami Navarro, Harvey Neptune, Matthew J. Smith, and Vanessa K. Valdés.
Caribbean In/securities
Caribbean In/securities
sx 57 special section, "Caribbean In/securities,” guest edited by Patricia Noxolo
Contemporary Dominican Gender and Sexualities Studies
Contemporary Dominican Gender and Sexualities Studies
sx56 special section, "Contemporary Dominican Gender and Sexualities Studies," guest-edited by Maja Horn
Caribbean Digital V
Caribbean Digital V
Caribbean Digital V by sx archipelagos journal and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center
VLOSA Miami Symposium
VLOSA Miami Symposium
Visual Life of Social Affliction symposium at the University of Miami Lowe Art Museum
Eulogizing Creoleness?: Rereading Éloge de la Créolité, Part II
Eulogizing Creoleness?: Rereading Éloge de la Créolité, Part II
sx55 special section, "Eulogizing Creoleness?: Rereading Éloge de la Créolité, Part II" guest-edited by Celia Britton and Martin Munro
sx literary competition ends
sx literary competition ends
Nine years after it's founding in 2009, the sx literary competition drew to a close in 2018.
The Jamaican 1960s
The Jamaican 1960s
sx 54 special section, “The Jamaican 1960s”
Caribbean Digital IV
Caribbean Digital IV
Caribbean Digital IV by sx archipelagos journal and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center
Jamaican 1970s: A Symposium
Jamaican 1970s: A Symposium
Rosamond S. King becomes creative editor of sx salon
Rosamond S. King becomes creative editor of sx salon
Artist and critical and creative writer Rosamond S. King joins sx salon as its creative editor. Her debut issue is issue 25.
Art as Caribbean Feminist Practice
Art as Caribbean Feminist Practice
sx 52 special section, "Art as Caribbean Feminist Practice," guest-edited by Annalee Davis, Joscelyn Gardner, Erica James, and Jerry Philogene
Art After Indenture
Art After Indenture
sx 53 special section, “Art After Indenture,” guest-edited by Andil Gosine
The Idea of the Hispanophone Caribbean
The Idea of the Hispanophone Caribbean
sx 51 special section, “The Idea of the Hispanophone Caribbean,” guest-edited by Vanessa Pérez-Rosario
CQV Glasgow
CQV Glasgow
Caribbean Queer Visualities exhibition at Transmission Gallery, Glasgow. February - March 2017.
David Scott receives Distinguished Editor Prize
Caribbean Digital III
Caribbean Digital III
Caribbean Digital III by sx archipelagos journal and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center
The Idea of Hispanophone Caribbean Studies: A Small Axe Conversation
The Idea of Hispanophone Caribbean Studies: A Small Axe Conversation
The Idea of Hispanophone Caribbean Studies: A Small Axe Conversation at Sulzberger Parlor, Barnard College. Read more here.
CQV Belfast
CQV Belfast
Caribbean Queer Visualities exhibition at the Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast. November 2016. Catalogue available here.
What Is Journal Work?: A Small Axe Conversation
What Is Journal Work?: A Small Axe Conversation
What Is Journal Work?: A Small Axe Conversation at Sulzberger Parlor, Barnard College. Read more here.
sx live launches
sx live launches
Small Axe's blog sx live makes its first post in 2016, which you can read here
Small Axe publishes its 50th issue
Small Axe publishes its 50th issue
The publication of Small Axe 50 (July 2016) marks an important milestone in the history of the journal. This issue features a significant discussion on the question: "What is Journal Work?"
sx archipelagos launches
sx archipelagos launches
Small Axe launches sx archipelagos, "a born-digital, peer-reviewed publication" and joint venture with Kaiama L. Glover and Alex Gil
Launch of sx archipelagos and sx visualities
Launch of sx archipelagos and sx visualities
Two new platforms of the Small Axe Project were launched in May 2016: sx archipelagos (a platform seeking to think through the implications of the digital humanities for Caribbean scholarship), and sx visualities (a platform seeking to think about Caribbean visual practice).
Visual Arts After Indenture
Visual Arts After Indenture
"Visual Arts After Indenture" was a symposium co-organized with Andil Gosine at York University, Toronto, and held there on 19 March 2016. A conversation between artists and writers, the symposium aimed to consider the connections between visual art practice and the aftermath of Indian indentureship in the Caribbean and elsewhere.
The Caribbean Digital II
The Caribbean Digital II
"The Caribbean Digital II," held on 4 December 2015, was the second in an ongoing series of symposia exploring the role and impact of the digital humanities in Caribbean scholarship.
Caribbean Digital II
Caribbean Digital II
Caribbean Digital II by sx archipelagos journal and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center
The Jamaican 1960s
The Jamaican 1960s
"The Jamaican 1960s," a symposium co-organized with Donette Francis at the University of Miami, and held there between 29 and 30 October 2015, was the first in a series of symposia rethinking the making of the Jamaican cultural-political modern. The essays from the symposium are to be published in Small Axe 53 (July 2017).
Caribbean Queer Visualities II
Caribbean Queer Visualities II
"Caribbean Queer Visualities II" was the second symposium in the series around this theme. This event was co-sponsored by The Andy Warhol Foundation; the Department of Anthropology, the Digital Black Atlantic Project, the Center for the Study of Social Difference, the Institute for Research on Women, Gender, and Sexuality, and the Institute for Research in African American Studies, all at Columbia University.
sx salon, Gender and the Caribbean Body
sx salon, Gender and the Caribbean Body
In this issue of sx salon, contributors think about the gendered character of the body in Caribbean literary practice.
The Caribbean Digital I
The Caribbean Digital I
The Caribbean Digital I, convened between 4 and 5 December 2014, was the first in an ongoing series of exploratory symposia thinking about the impact of the digital on Caribbean scholarship.
Caribbean Digital I
Caribbean Digital I
Caribbean Digital I by sx archipelagos journal and the Barnard College Digital Humanities Center
Caribbean Queer Visualities I
Caribbean Queer Visualities I
The first of two symposia on the theme "Caribbean Queer Visualities" was held at Yale University between 14 and 15 November 2014. The event was co-sponsored by The Andy Warhol Foundation, the Edward J. and Dorothy Clarke Kempf Memorial Fund of the Whitney and Betty Macmillan Center for International and Area Studies, at Yale University; the departments of African American Studies, and of the History of Art, at Yale University; and the Council for Latin American and Iberian Studies at Yale University.
sx salon, Caribbean Film Archives
sx salon, Caribbean Film Archives
In this issue of sx salon, guest-edited by Terri Francis, the film archives of the Caribbean becomes the subject of a searching discussion.
sx salon expands to three times per year
sx salon expands to three times per year
As a reflection of the growing interest in the platform, in October 2014 sx salon expands its periodicity from two to three times per year.
Caribbean Queer Visualities
Caribbean Queer Visualities
In June 2014 the Small Axe Project receives its third grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation, to support our project Caribbean Queer Visualities.
sx salon, Chinese Caribbean Litearture
sx salon, Chinese Caribbean Litearture
In this issue, sx salon considers representations of the Chinese in Caribbean literature.
sx salon, Caribbean Children's Literature
sx salon, Caribbean Children's Literature
In this issue, sx salon takes us in the world of the writing and publication of Caribbean children's literature.
sx salon, Fictions of Independence
sx salon, Fictions of Independence
In this issue, sx salon reflects on memories and representations of Caribbean sovereignty fifty years after the beginnings of political independence in the Anglophone Caribbean.
sx salon, Reflections on the Book Review
sx salon, Reflections on the Book Review
In this issue, sx salon engages the much-neglected question of the status of the "book review" in Caribbean critical discussions.
sx salon, Locating Caribbean LGBT Histories
sx salon, Locating Caribbean LGBT Histories
In this issue sx salon published an important intervention in the regional and diasporic discussion of LGBT histories.
The Idea of a Black Radical Tradition
The Idea of a Black Radical Tradition
"The Idea of a Black Radical Tradition" was a symposium organized at Columbia University between 22 and 23 April 2011. It was co-sponsored by the Office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Institute for Research in African American Studies, the Department of Anthropology, and the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Columbia University. The essays were published in Small Axe 40 (March 2013).
What is Caribbean Studies?
What is Caribbean Studies?
"What is Caribbean Studies? Prisms, Paradigms, Practices" was a joint venture between the Small Axe Project and colleagues Hazel Carby and Kamari Clarke at Yale University. It was co-sponsored by the Initiative on Race, Gender, and Globalization; the Center for Transnational Cultural Analysis; and the Department of African American Studies. The essays were published in Small Axe 41 (July 2013).
sx salon, "Caribbean Arts and Culture Online"
sx salon, "Caribbean Arts and Culture Online"
sx salon publishes an important discussion around digital work in arts and culture.
sx salon launch
sx salon launch
sx salon was launched in October as our born-digital literary platform, published twice per year. This was a milestone in the evolution of the Small Axe Project.
Small Axe moves to Duke University Press
Small Axe moves to Duke University Press
As of 2009 Small Axe was published under contract by Duke University Press for Small Axe Inc in March, July, and November.
Small Axe Literary Competition
Small Axe Literary Competition
In February 2009 the Small Axe Literary competition was launched, with 30 April 2009 as the first deadline for submissions. The competition was established for emerging writers in two categories, poetry and short fiction. The competition offered prizes for first and second place in each category. The successful poems and short stories were then published in Small Axe 31 (July 2010).
Visual Memory in the Caribbean
Visual Memory in the Caribbean
In June 2008 Small Axe Inc received its first grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation for its project "Visual Memory in the Caribbean." The project entailed inviting artists and writers to consider the role memory in Caribbean visual arts. The resulting work was published in Small Axe 28 (March 2009), Small Axe 29 (July 2009) and Small Axe 30 (November 2009).
Blackness Unbound
Blackness Unbound
"Blackness Unbound" was the third in the series of Ford Foundation funded symposia. It took place between 28 and 29 September 2007 at SUNY Albany. The essays were published in Small Axe 29 (July 2009).
Archeologies of Black Memory
Archeologies of Black Memory
"Archeologies of Black Memory" was the second of the Ford Foundation funded symposia. It took place between 21 and 29 June 2007 at the University of Miami, and was a collaboration with colleagues in Caribbean Literary Studies there. The essays were published in Small Axe 26 (June 2008).
Small Axe published three times per year by Indiana University Press
Small Axe published three times per year by Indiana University Press
With increased content and interest the periodicity of Small Axe increased to three issues per year, February, June, and October
Diasporic Knowledges symposium
Diasporic Knowledges symposium
With generous funding provided by the Ford Foundation the Small Axe Collective organizes the first of three symposia: "Diasporic Knowledges: Caribbean Inflections and African American Conversations" held at Brown University 7-9 April 2005.
"Genders and Sexualities" controversy
"Genders and Sexualities" controversy
Small Axe 7 (March 2000) guest edited by Faith Smith is published. The production of this issue was very controversial and it was the beginning of the end of our publishing arrangement with the University of the West Indies Press.
Small Axe moves to UWI Press
Small Axe moves to UWI Press
After the second issue Small Axe moves to the University of the West Indies Press, and continues to be published twice her year.
Launch of Small Axe
Launch of Small Axe
After discussions begun in 1996, Small Axe no. 1 is published by Ian Randle Publishers twice per year for the Small Axe Collective