small axe

SX 75: 11.2024
Geoffrey Holder
Girl by the Window
Small Axe is our peer-reviewed print journal. It is the first of our four platforms. A journal of criticism conceived in the tradition of a long line of independent Caribbean journal projects, Small Axe is committed to rethinking the dominant narratives through which the regional and diasporic Caribbean have been imagined and conceptualized. Taking into account anglophone, francophone, hispanophone, and Dutch intellectual and cultural traditions, the journal aims to offer a platform for the expansion of critical Caribbean dialogues. Small Axe is published by Duke University Press three times per year, in March, July, and November.
David Scott
Managing Editor
Vanessa Pérez-Rosario
Editorial Assistants
Dantaé Elliott
Luis Escamilla Frías
Laura Berríos Figueroa
Production Manager / Copyeditor
Kelly Martin
Graphic Designer
Juliet Ali
Copyeditor, French / Spanish
Alex Martin
Editorial Committee
Victoria Collis Buthelezi
Charles Carnegie
Andil Gosine
Erica Moiah James
Régine Jean-Charles
Ryan Jobson
Kelly Baker Josephs
Aaron Kamugisha
Antonio López
Wayne Modest
Tami Navarro
Harvey Neptune
Dixa Ramírez D'Oleo
Matthew Smith
Vanessa Valdés