SX Blog


Earth, World, Ethics: Conversations in Black and Caribbean Studies

27 April 2021
Earth, World, Ethics

For "Earth, World, Ethics: Conversations in Black and Caribbean Studies," the hosts asked participants to consider several thematics and questions, which the hosts locate in Black Critical Theory, Black Studies, Caribbean Studies, and Caribbean Poetics. How do we conceive of various formulations of disposability, life, nature, and the earth, against the apocalyptic tendencies in the discourses of the Anthropocene? What do we do with the category of the human vis-à-vis the senses—the senses and blackness, the senses and indigeneity, the senses and the elements? How do we think with geographical specificity in formulations of black ecology? What notion of nature renders our current ecological crisis so “monstrous” and “unnatural”? Must the thought of ecology at this geological and historico-political conjuncture yield its own “earth ethics”? Can we envisage a thinking of life and nature without falling prey to the violent history of vitalism and biologism?


April 30th @ 1-3 P.M. EDT 

Tiffany Lethabo King | Georgia State University
Dixa Ramírez D'Oleo | Brown University
Selamawit Terrefe | Tulane University
Moderated by Ren Ellis Neyra | Wesleyan University

Zoom Conference:


May 7th @ 1-3 P.M. EDT

Denise Ferreira da Silva | University of British Columbia, Vancouver
R.A. Judy | University of Pittsburgh
Beatriz Santiago Muñoz | Artist
Moderated by Mlondi Zondi | Wesleyan University

Zoom Conference:


May 14th @ 1-3 P.M. EDT

Zakiyyah I. Jackson | University of Southern California
David Marriott | Penn State University
Ronald Mendoza de Jesú| University of Southern California
Moderated by Axelle Karera | Emory University

Zoom Conference: